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How many of the top ten uses of corn cob do you know?

Release time:2022-10-25   Click:
1. Corn cobs can treat industrial wastewater
Because the organization of the corn cob is relatively uniform, the internal network structure, so its water absorption and adsorption performance is particularly strong. The corn cob can be broken up and put into industrial wastewater to extract metals from the water. The purpose of purifying water quality has been achieved.
2. Corn cob can use chemical raw materials
Corn cob after grinding through biological fermentation, can be used to process furfural. Furfural is a versatile chemical that can be used to make synthetic resins, extract medicines, liquefy crude oil and more. Xylitol can also be extracted from corn cobs during fermentation. Xylitol is a substitute for sugar in diabetic patients and is a kind of nutritional medicine. These can be extracted from corn cobs. So the corn cob is very useful.
3. Corn cob can be used as rubber additives and shoe fillers
Because corn cob wear resistance is good, toughness is also relatively strong. So you can add some corncob crushes to your tires. This can increase the friction between the tire and the ground, can make the traction effect of the vehicle to achieve better results, so as to achieve the purpose of extending the life of the tire.
4. Corn cobs can be used to grow edible fungi
Corn cob has easy to break, internal storage, good transportation. In addition to its good water absorption, and the corn cob contains a large amount of sugar, is one of the indispensable raw materials for growing fungi. Corn cob of our country is exported to Korea in large quantities after crushing, Japan used for planting edible fungi. It also has a good market in China.
How many of the top ten uses of corn cob do you know?
5. Corn cobs can be used to extract caramel
Caramel is one of the desserts that everyone likes to eat. It is also a good food for medicine. Imagine how wonderful it is that corn cobs used in rural areas for cooking fires can be used to refine caramel. After grinding and soaking, steaming on the cage, adding malt milk, saccharification, and then into the pot boil concentrated. We could get our favorite caramels. It is said that 50 kilograms of corn cob makes 25 kilograms of caramel.
6. Corn cob can be used as dry cleaning agent and lubricant
Corn cob has a strong adsorption capacity, can absorb dirt and other dirty things. The corn cob after crushing can be used to deal with fur clothes, no chemical residue, no damage to clothes, clean and beautiful.
After burning the corn cob, the resulting wood ash can be used as a lubricant for the machine. It can not only make the machine get lubrication, but also clean up the oil in the machine.
7. Corn cobs can be used as bioelectricity
The bio-power plant recycles the corn cob, crushes it, and reacts with other fungi. Generating heat energy to drive machine operation can achieve the purpose of generating electricity.
How many of the top ten uses of corn cob do you know?
8. Corn cobs make wine
The new brewing process of corn is relatively simple, which can turn corn cob waste into treasure. The new corn wine is sweet and has a green corn flavor. In many corn producing areas there are factories that use corn cobs to make wine.
9. Corn cobs can be made into paper
The corn cob, when crushed, can replace wood for paper. Paper made from corn cobs is strong and easy to write.
10. Corn cobs can be used as animal feed
Corn cob contains sugar, protein, vitamins and other trace elements. It is an indispensable nutrient in animal feed. After grinding, corn cobs are often mixed with other animal feeds and fermented for feeding cattle and sheep.
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