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Application field of furfural residue powder

Release time:2022-10-25   Click:
Aldehyde residue is rich in vitamins, lignin and a small amount of sulfuric acid. The comprehensive utilization of these organic materials can turn waste into treasure. Its use mainly concentrates in agricultural respect and so on.
Improved saline soil
In THE EARLY 1990S, Yang LIUQING ET al. used FURfural RESIDUE AS a LAND AMENDMENT TO TRY TO improve soda saline land, and THE results showed that it had obvious effect on soil improvement, yield increase AND fertility improvement. The physicochemical properties of heavily saline-alkali soil were optimized by adding a composite amendment composed of 60 g furfural residue, 25 g gypsum and 5 g aluminum silicate to 1 500 g saline-alkali soil. The RESULTS SHOWED THAT THE SOIL PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES WERE IMPROVED, THE NUMBER OF large particle size microCLUSTERS WAS increased, and the electrical conductivity, molar concentration of sodium ions and alkalinity degree were reduced. However, the author believes that the furfural slag itself contains too much salt, and Yang Liuqing did not test the salt content of the furfural slag in his study. Therefore, the salt content of the furfural slag itself should be considered in the practical application process, so as not to aggravate the salt damage.
To cultivate crops
The research of Zhang Yalin and Xu Changying et al. found that furfural residue, as an alternative product of cottonseed husk and rice husk, was applied to crop cultivation, which not only solved the pollution problem but also alleviated the contradiction between supply and demand, reduced production cost and achieved a win-win situation.
Reclamation of land
By mixing furfural residue and fly ash in a certain proportion, combined with leaching and other reclamation methods, the soil can be effectively restored, and in the process of soil remediation, the pollution of fly ash and furfural residue to the environment is solved, and the reasonable utilization of them, to achieve the resource utilization of pollutants.
Other role
Furfural residue can be used as a material to prepare activated carbon. Levulinic acid was prepared by acid hydrolysis of furfural residue in a low pressure reactor. MZ-93, a solid prolytic agent, was added in the process, which greatly increased the yield of levulinic acid.
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